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The adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) is a disruptive innovation that can be a catalyst for many higher education priorities.  Disruptive innovations require support to succeed.  To adopt OER, higher education institutions need to invest in  supports such as training, instructional design support, information technology, vendor management, senior leadership alignment, and marketing.  These supports must be integrated so they work smoothly together.   

Higher education institutions can meet the challenges of OER adoption through change management The "5Ps" framework outlines the change management steps needed to build OER supports:

This paper explains each of these steps and provides advice on how to execute them.  There is one section with examples for campus leaders, and a second section with examples for leaders in higher education systems.  The hypothetical client examples in this document are based on our client experiences, but with details altered to protect client confidentiality. 

We are releasing this paper as Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike International 4.0 license. to help higher education institutions adopt OER.  If institutions want additional support, Deep Consulting also provides change management consulting services.

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